How to Ask For a Raise and Get the Raise You Want


Whether you’re looking for an hourly wage or a yearly salary, it’s important to ask for a raise — and it’s even more crucial to do it properly so that you don’t come across as entitled or ungrateful. In fact, if you do it correctly, you may actually get the raise you want.

But it’s also possible that your manager will say no. That can be disappointing, especially if you feel like you’ve done your job well enough to earn more money. Fortunately, the way your boss responds to your request can give you clues about how he or she will handle future requests.

The first thing you should do is schedule a meeting with your manager in person. Avoid asking for a raise over email or video conference, as those will leave less of an impact than a face-to-face conversation.

Next, prepare by doing your research. Find out what other people in your role are making (if they’re willing to share). This will help you determine how much more you should ask for, based on the industry and location you work in, as well as your level of experience and education.

It’s also important to know your company’s pay structure and how often it reviews and approves raises. This is particularly true for large companies, which might have strict policies about how much of a salary increase any employee can receive in one go, or that might only allow employees to earn more than a certain amount each year.

Be ready to present a compelling case for why you deserve more money. You’ll need to do this in detail, so that your manager can understand why you feel you’re worthy of a bigger paycheck. Make sure to include details about any accomplishments you’ve made or increased responsibilities you’ve taken on. Also be prepared to talk about any research you’ve done on market rates and any discrepancies between your current compensation and industry standards.

If your manager gives you a negative response, don’t take it personally. It could be a result of factors that you have no control over, such as the company’s budget or the state of the economy. Be ready to discuss your long-term goals with your manager, position yourself for a future raise and try again at another time.

If your boss does say no, it’s important to remember that he or she isn’t ignoring you or your good work. It’s more likely that the company is simply not able to afford it at this time. But don’t let this discourage you from continuing to work hard and being a kickass employee. When your manager can afford to give you a raise, do it! And be sure to thank them for their consideration in the meantime. This will show them that you’re dedicated and that you value your career progression.How to ask for a raise


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