What Does an Attorney Do?


Attorneys are experts in the law. They’re the ones that sue people, defend them, and serve as legal advisers to businesses, schools, government agencies, and individuals.

An attorney is also known as an avocat in some jurisdictions. An avocat, however, cannot take part in legal proceedings inside a courtroom.

Legal Representation

Legal representation is the work that a licensed attorney performs for his or her clients in legal matters. This work can range from defending criminal cases to helping consumers with their real estate transactions. It is important for a consumer to research the attorneys in his or her area to determine the best fit for their case. This research should include fee structure, location, and personal chemistry with the attorney.

Many attorneys offer free consultations to prospective clients, which can help a consumer determine if they have found the right lawyer. Additionally, most attorneys must follow advertising laws when promoting their services. These laws prohibit making false or misleading claims and creating unjustified expectations. Attorneys must also refrain from harassing persons in the course of promoting their services. If a conflict of interest arises during the course of representation, an attorney may be within his or her rights to withdraw from the case and require the client to find another source of representation.


Litigation is the formal legal process that begins when someone files a lawsuit. This is an ongoing process where the parties present their case to a judge or jury and receive a resolution to their legal issue.

A litigation attorney can assist a client in many ways before and during a lawsuit, including conducting a thorough investigation of the facts, drafting documents, and representing clients in court proceedings. This can also include preparing and filing appeals.

Typically, lawsuits are a result of disputes and conflicts that are not easily resolved through negotiations. However, there are times when this is not possible. Litigation is a long and complex process that can take months or even years to resolve. Litigation can be expensive and stressful for all involved. This is why it is important to have an experienced litigator on your side. Litigation can have a negative impact on your reputation and your personal well-being. Ultimately, you need an attorney who can work hard to resolve your case as quickly and as effectively as possible.

Wills & Trusts

A will can accomplish a number of important objectives, such as naming guardians for children (and minimizing court involvement in their care), distributing assets among beneficiaries and establishing charitable donations. By combining elements of wills with trusts, estate planning attorneys can achieve a wide range of family and tax objectives.

A trust is a separate legal entity that holds your property and assets while you’re still alive, but upon your death, the trustee distributes them to your beneficiaries according to the terms of the trust. The benefits of trusts include asset protection, avoidance of probate (and associated costs), privacy considerations and reduced taxes.

Our law firm offers comprehensive services encompassing all aspects of estate planning, including drafting trusts, wills and Powers of Attorney. We worked to expedite the creation of a will for one of our clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking advantage of mail processing exceptions to complete the process in three days. This ensured his wishes were carried out as he wanted them to be.

Personal Injury

When an individual suffers serious injuries in an accident, they are entitled to compensation from the defendant. This compensation includes money to cover past and future medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress and pain and suffering.

An attorney can help an injured victim work through the complex legal procedures, confusing medical terms and mounds of paperwork that are commonly associated with personal injury claims. An experienced attorney can also negotiate with insurance companies to get their clients fair and reasonable settlements.

To file a personal injury claim, the injured person must prove that another party breached their duty of care and that this breach caused them to be harmed. Harm can include a variety of things from assault and battery, to product liability claims (such as defective consumer products), to malpractice suits against doctors and hospitals for errors in treatment. In some cases, the injured plaintiff can sue based on strict liability, such as with claims against manufacturers of dangerous drugs and medical devices.Anwalt


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