Organic Coffee – A Better Choice For the Environment and Farmers


Coffee is a powerful antioxidant and research shows it can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease and liver disease. The best coffee brands have an organic version of their product that helps you and the farmers in a big way.

To get the organic label, a farm has to follow strict guidelines. This includes not using harmful chemicals for fertilizers, pesticides and weed removal treatments.

It’s Better for the Environment

Organic coffee is a much better choice for the environment than conventional sun grown coffee. Conventional farming utilizes pesticides and chemical fertilizers that deplete the soil of its valuable nutrients and end up in waterways, harming flora and fauna.

Organic farms, on the other hand, use no chemicals at all and allow natural fertilizers such as manure to be incorporated into the soil. This creates a healthier ecosystem that nourishes the beans and provides them with more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Many people find that organically grown coffee has a richer, more complex flavor than non-organic varieties. This is thought to be because the plants are healthy and free of harmful substances that affect taste.

Shaded organic farms are also able to maintain their own natural forested environments, providing homes and food for wild animals, birds and insects. This increases biodiversity and helps to stabilize natural ecosystems, reducing the risk of erosion and climate change.

It’s Better for Your Health

Coffee has been shown to provide many health benefits including increased energy, improved mood, decreased chances of Parkinson’s disease and liver cirrhosis, and even lower risk of colorectal cancer. However, it’s important to choose organic if you want to maximize these health effects.

Regularly grown coffee beans contain traces of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. These chemicals stick around on the bean or in the ground, and they’ll eventually find their way into your body.

In contrast, organically grown coffee is free of pesticides and chemicals. This means it’s healthier for the farmers, the environment, and the people who drink it.

Additionally, choosing organic coffee can help promote a healthy gut microbiome. Organic coffee is known to increase the good bacteria in your digestive system, which can improve digestion and nutrient absorption. It can also support your liver’s detoxification processes and reduce inflammation in the heart. It can also boost workout performance by increasing adrenaline and improving fat metabolism.

It’s Better for the Farmer

Many coffee farmers, especially those living in developing countries, are unable to afford the financial burden of organic certifications. However, they do benefit from not having to use chemical pesticides on their coffee crops. This decreases the likelihood that they will experience negative side effects from working with these chemicals and makes for a safer workplace.

It also helps them to keep the soil healthy and rich in nutrients that are then passed along to the beans. It is estimated that more than 25 million small farmers worldwide grow coffee. These farmers can only make it on a modest income, so making the switch to organic is a way to improve their lives and ensure that their families have food to eat.

Coffee drinkers are the largest consumer of coffee in the world, and have the ability to change the industry by supporting organic. By choosing to purchase and drink only organically-produced coffee, you’re voting for healthy environments and healthier people.

It’s Better for the Roaster

Choosing organic coffee ensures that the beans you brew are grown in soil free of any prohibited substances. Organic certification requires that farmers abstain from the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides for three years prior to harvesting, and that the fields are separated by a sufficient buffer zone in order to prevent cross-contamination.

Organic farming also promotes shade growing, a style of coffee production that supports forest preservation and biodiversity while minimizing the negative effects of climate change on local water systems. These conditions improve the quality of the coffee produced, and help the environment thrive by promoting the health of local wildlife.

However, many of the 25 million small-holder coffee farmers cannot afford the upfront costs of organic certification and must rely on subsistence crops to make ends meet. The financial benefits of organic coffee allow them to provide a more sustainable livelihood for their families while ensuring the integrity and quality of their product.


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